Darren Busby Duo
When these 2 fellas are not out cycling together you can occasionally find them in rehearsals. With the superb vocals of Mr Busby mixed with the talents of his son in law Darren Binns, this duo are fast becoming one of the best on the scene. With almost 70 years’ experience between them on the British country music scene they certainly know how to entertain their audience. The duo have been together for just over a year and are in popular demand. It’s certainly a family affair, maybe down the line we will see a family band, Watch this space!!!!
Thorne is no stranger to the stage, having sung professionally from an early age, enabling him to tour internationally and hone his craft, playing to audiences of a few thousand at a time, as well as a handfuls, at more intimate gatherings.
One of the nicest most genuine people you could ever want to meet on this fast moving country circuit